Hamout Souk

The city of Hamed souk is the gem capital of Djerba Island, and it’s a truly marvellous picturesque town. You can stroll around shopping for all kinds of traditional handcraft products, food, clothing and much more. Visitors come from all over the world to explore the whitewashed mixture of Greek architecture, Italian Piazzas, and Arabic labyrinthine alleyways of Hamed souq. Borj Ghazi Mustapha is the town’s old fort that had many owners in the past. The fist stones dates back to the 13th century. The most famous moment in the history of the fort 1560 when the Spanish were overthrow by the Dragut ottomans fleet. Inside the fort you find a dozen of rooms, mounds of cannonballs, a great coastline view, and a nice mosque. Hamed souq has cosy fishing port at the northern end. In the mornings it’s an interesting time to visit when the ships some in to deliver the fish.