
The city of Gabes lies on the coast of the Gulf of Gabès, and it is the 6th largest Tunisian city. During the roman period Gabes belonged the Roman province of Tripolitania in Libya. Gabes has not really an infrastructure, and big attraction for tourism, but it is more focused on the industry. In the 20th century they discovered oil in gulf of Gabes, and it also has a busy port. An advantage for the industry is that the city lies on major transport crossroads.

You can describe Gabes as a seaside oasis, because between the city and the desert lies a amazing palmeraire. This oasis stretches inlands and begins on the coast at Ghannouch, and end 4km west of Chenine the oasis village. Gabes has is also famous for its high quality of Henna of deep red/brown dye. Its popular by the Berber woman to decorate their hands. There is also a big local fishing men head into the gulf of Gabes for tuna, shrimp, and octopus. You can imagine that there are some good fish restaurants in the city.